Portfolio ========= .. :index: Portfolio |image0| Here you can get an overview of all portfolios and their project number. In the field **Filter** you can enter a search term for the columns **Portfolio**. **Functions** |image1| +------------+---------------------------------------------+ | |image2| | **Milestone Trend Analysis** | +------------+---------------------------------------------+ | |image3| | **Switch to projects in the portfolio** | +------------+---------------------------------------------+ **Switch to projects in the portfolio** After clicking on the button |image3| in a row, you can see all projects related to the Portfolio. |image4| .. |image0| image:: ../images/portfolio.png :alt: .. |image1| image:: ../images/portfolio_action.png :alt: .. |image2| image:: ../images/id_project_milestone.png :alt: .. |image3| image:: ../images/id_portfolio_in.png :alt: .. |image4| image:: ../images/portfolio_projecte.png :alt: