User info ========= .. :index: User info, Access rights for user roles, Access rights for folderroles, Subordinate employees, Create API access key Here you will find all the information for a user about his access rights and subordinate employees together in three tabs. Click on the button |image0| |image3| in the column **Actions**. **Access rights for user roles** Here information is summarized, whether the user is allowed to work with portfolios, resource pool and additional modules. |image11| **Access rights for folder roles** You can see in the tab listwhat directories and projects the user is allowed to work with and what activities he can carry out. |image12| **Subordinate employees** You can see in this tab, for which employees and in what fields the user should enter timesheet and vacation planning. |image13| **Create API access key** API access key is important for the iCalendar and timeline modules. You can create a user's API access key by clicking on the |image4| in the column **API access key**. |image1| After that, icon buttons that allow you to various activities, such as +------------+------------------------------------------------+ | |image5| | **Delete key** | +------------+------------------------------------------------+ | |image6| | **Display key** | +------------+------------------------------------------------+ | |image7| | **Generate URL for user iCalendar** | +------------+------------------------------------------------+ | |image8| | **Generate URL for user-timeline** | +------------+------------------------------------------------+ | |image9| | **Send API access key by e-mail** | +------------+------------------------------------------------+ appears in the column **5** |image2| .. |image0| image:: ../images/id_info.png .. |image1| image:: ../images/user_api_key.png .. |image2| image:: ../images/api_key.png .. |image3| image:: ../images/id_action_info.png .. |image4| image:: ../images/id_api_key.png .. |image5| image:: ../images/id_del.png .. |image6| image:: ../images/id_tiptool.png .. |image7| image:: ../images/id_ical.png .. |image8| image:: ../images/id_timeline.png .. |image9| image:: ../images/id_api_email.png .. |image11| image:: ../images/user_info_security.png :alt: .. |image12| image:: ../images/user_info_folder.png :alt: .. |image13| image:: ../images/user_info_resource.png :alt: