Gantt chart =========== .. index:: Gantt chart |image0| **Application of Gantt charts:** - Visualisation of the project scheduling. - Visualisation of the project structure. - Visualisation of the contingency reserve. - Quick access to the properties of activities and subprojects. **You can use the Gantt chart for to do the following:** - Create and edit activities. - Link activities. - Create and edit subprojects. - Edit the project structure. - Change the timescale. - Check contingency reserves. - Check resource utilization by means of filter settings. **Context menu in the Gantt chart** **For the table of activities** Mark a row (activity or subproject) in the table of activities. Once you have marked an activity, you can do as follows: |image1| - **Cut** – cut the marked activity - **Copy** – copy the marked activity - **Customize previous activity the latest start time** – shift all activities that are scheduled for an earlier time than the marked activity to the latest possible start date - **Customize successor activity the earliest start time** – shift all activities that are scheduled for a later time than the marked activity to the earliest possible start date - **Completed** – enter the completion percentage of a marked activity - **Split** – split the marked activity into several activities - **Incoming/Outbound link delete** – delete the links of the marked activity In a **marked subproject** you can do the following activities: |image2| - **Cut** – cut the marked subproject - **Copy** – copy the marked subproject - **Show detail** – display up to any outline level of the marked subproject detail - **Accept the start and finish dates of activities** – accept the start date of the first activity and the end date of the last activity for the subproject start and the end of subproject - **Earliest start date** – this command is active only for subprojects with fixed start and finish dates and shifts all activities in the subproject to the earliest possible start dates. - **Latest start date** – this command is active only for subprojects with fixed start and finish dates and shifts all activities in the subproject to the latest possible start dates. - **Move delayed activities to cutoff day** – if the project controlling detects that activities are still not 100% completed, you can shift these activities to the deadline and so update the project's status. - **Optimize resource utilization** – most effective resource allocation, so as to avoid excess and shortfall within the prescribed period **For the chart area** |image3| In the chart area you can mark an activity / subproject and do the following: - **Paste** – insert marked acrtivities / subprojects into a project - **Select all** – mark all activities and subprojects: If activities are subordinated to a subproject, only the subproject will be marked in the chart. - **New activity** - create a new activity at the position pointed to by the cursor - **New activity from template file** - insert an already saved activity from template file at the position pointed to by the cursor - **New activity from integration server template** - insert an already saved activity from integration server template at the position pointed to by the cursor. Only for the solution with interface to the Integration Server - **New subproject** - create a new subproject at the position pointed to by the cursor - **New subproject from template file** - insert an already saved subproject from template file at the position pointed to by the cursor - **New subproject from integration server template** - insert an already saved subproject from integration server template at the position pointed to by the cursor. Only for the solution with interface to the Integration Server .. |image0| image:: ../images/control_gantt_chart.png :alt: Gantt chat .. |image1| image:: ../images/control_gantt_chart_context_table.png :alt: Gantt chat table .. |image2| image:: ../images/control_gantt_chart_context_subproject.png :alt: Gantt chat subproject .. |image3| image:: ../images/control_gantt_chart_context_diagramm.png :alt: Gantt chat diagram